The TED video I chose to review is a short one but relatively more up-to-date compared with old fashion way of TED talk. It’s a combination of speech and presentation embedded in a video. However, this short educational video did apply a lot of multimedia techniques and principles.

Theories and principles the video followed:

1.Cognitive theory: Throughout the video, there’s not too much professional information being delivered, instead, most of the speech is verbal and the speaker has concluded the key points from the very start of the video.

2. Modality principle: The presented images and animation always match to the narration.

3. Signalling principle: Three online shopping tactics are all highlighted: Gamification, Scarcity, Installments. Also, the three tips are also highlighted in the presentation.

4.Coherence principle: The video editing is simple but effective, there’s no distraction or useless extra information.

5. Split-attention principle: The video is a great example of effective words and pictures combination.

6. Dual coding theory: It has done a good job in presenting the content visually and verbally, the video was very carefully edited into 4 minutes long.

Theories and principles the video didn’t follow:

  1. Animation principle: Clearly there is animation in this video but it’s not that distractive.

2.Redundancy principle: Some of the key points are repeated both by narration and pictures.

3.Embodiment Principle: The face takes up half of the video.