My expectation and concerns of EDCI 337

This class is what I consider a very helpful project, especially during such a global pandemic period, to pull students back to an engaged learning experience. I believe most of the students, even the instructors have been through technical issues or communication obstacles taking or teaching online courses. Therefore I believe EDCI 337 will help us improve remote education in both ways.

There’s also uncertainty about this class I have concerned about, for example, how should we manage different timezones since a lot of students are studying outside of Canada, what is the grading standard for a blog like this and to what extent should a student grasp the multimedia editing skills?

My personal experience in multimedia and interactive learning

During my first semester, there was a course in which we learn about the ocean and earth science. The lab had applied interactive learning methods, the instructors had programmed a software that simulates the waves and tides. We also have a field lab that we took a bus to the beach to observe nature and take notes.

Thoughts about the web-based game

The process of playing this pandemic simulator game is a lively example of multimedia and interactive learning. When people are participating in it, the images representing different signs and locations are very formative and helpful for the gamer to set up their strategies. The sound effect, on the other hand, created a very believable atmosphere to help gamers focus on the game. The game itself provides various selections or choices to make, therefore, to reveal an interactive experience because it responses to players’ actions accordingly.

As you can see, there are differents types of sources to start a pandemic, the game will react by which one you pick.

Another famous pandemic game: Plague Inc